Cross stitch Merida. Mulan design

I need to whine to sympathetic ears/eyes. I bought a book with some really awesome (licensed) Disney patterns. But to keep the book compact, the charts are nearly illegibly small. Using more lights and magnifiers than I do to stitch, I’m transcribing the charts (that I like) into MacStitch – for personal review only; no copyright infringement – so I can stitch them with enlargeable charts on my tablet. My eyes hurt from the squinting and straining. My neck and back hurt from hunching over this book with a magnifying glass like Sherlock Holmes’ spinster aunt.

I’m currently transcribing 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Merida. 📸 is the Mulan design from the same book that I stitched last year for my bff. Imagine that charted on an 8” square page 😵‍💫

May be an image of indoor

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