Cross stitch – Do more of what makes you Happy

It took years and it’s done, probably my last counted cross stitch project. Post Views: 410
Another sneak peak at my new Bargello & Hardanger design. Pattern will be available when finished Post Views: 410
I just finished my quilt top. Took me 8 months. Its stamped cross stitch. I got kit from Herrschners. Now I have to put batting on and the back. Post Views: 409
My latest completed work. Still need to soak the water soluble pattern off and frame. Post Views: 474
Top half of my Spring Celtic Lady. I’m going to leave off the border and “title” of the Celtic series. I haven’t decided exactly how they will be labeled. Metal engraved placard? Backstitch near my signature? Stitch the title but relocate it so that it is diagonal behind her head? Good thing I have time…
Last month someone posted a finish of a balloon design. I was looking for something to make for a friend, and the balloon was perfect! I have changed the colours a bit and added a few beads (the recipient hates green). Post Views: 424